Tak, kochanie

tv sitcom z lat 2000

Season 3  - Tak, kochanie tv sitcom odcinki
Season 3  - Tak, kochanie tv sitcom odcinki

Dwie siostry i ich mężowie żyją razem obok siebie, co powoduje zgrzyty pomiędzy sumiennym i ciężko pracującym Gregiem, a Jimmim, który stara się nie przemęczać pracą.

Sezon 3 (2002)


Spanks, but no Spanks

Jimmy and Christine debate whether or not they should use spanking to punish Dominic for continuing to tell lies.



When Dominic comes home from a sleepover with an unwanted gift—head lice—an ashamed Jimmy and Christine keep quiet, but they quickly spread throughout the family, and beyond.


Sammy’s Independence Day

Greg and Kim consider if they’re being overprotective of Sammy.


House of the Rising Son

Jimmy’s father visits and asks him to move back home. Greg ignores Kim’s advice when he goes shopping for a new car.


Kim’s New Nanny

Kim’s quick decision to hire an elderly nanny out of pity haunts her. Dominic promptly ruins a new toy Jimmy bought for him.


Mr. Big Shot

Greg’s resentment over denying himself luxuries due to Jimmy’s lack of money boils to the surface during a family trip to Lake Tahoe.


Wife Swapping

Housebound Kim and Jimmy get jealous when Greg and Christine have to spend time together, and end up enjoying it.


Make Every Second Count

When Kim and Greg worry about treating their impending second child as well as their first, Christine and Jimmy realize they’ve taken Logan for granted.


Jimmy Saves the Day

Christine worries for Jimmy’s safety after he captures a stalker in Heidi Klum’s trailer. Kim takes action to combat Greg’s increasing dependence on nasal spray.


We’re Having a Baby

A Baby Story documents the days leading to the birth of Kim and Greg’s new baby — a baby that everyone has an opinion on the naming of.


Home Is Where the Heart Isn’t

Kim guilts Greg into taking the two weeks paternity leave he’s entitled to, but has no interest in taking. Meanwhile, a use’em or lose’em sick day policy makes Jimmy play hooky from work.


Trophy Husband

Jimmy hurts Dominic’s feelings when he states the school shouldn’t have given him trophies for coming in last at school Olympics events. Kim regrets allowing Greg to pick out a new couch on his own.


Space Jam

When a space crunch sees the wives demanding their husbands toss out what they consider junk, Greg rents a storage unit and creates a secret guys’ hang-out.


Let’s Get Jaggy with It

Greg’s parents come to visit when Tom gets a walk-on role on JAG, leaving Kim at home, and miserable, with the judgmental Natalie.


House of Cards

Jimmy finds himself in hot water on Valentine’s Day after his responding to Christine’s prodding for more romance only makes her madder.


Hustlin’ Hughes

Jimmy arranges for Ernie Banks, Johnny Bench and Frank Robinson to visit his father, who claims to have coached them in the minor leagues, but the reunion isn’t what he espected.


Flirtin’ with Disaster

When nobody believes Greg that his hot, new female co-worker has been flirting with him, he sets up a hidden cam to catch her in the act. Meanwhile, Billy dreams of being a masseur, but has trouble convincing his co-workers to let him practice on them.


Savitsky’s Beach House

Kim throws a surprise party at Savitsky’s beach house for Greg’s birthday, but Greg can’t have a good time, fearful that Jimmy and Christine will somehow ruin the house.


March Madness

Greg gets tickets to the NCAA Final Four, but they conflict with an 80th birthday party for Kim and Christine’s grandmother.


Good Squirrel Hunting

Greg tries to capture a squirrel who’s leaving peanuts, which could endanger the allergic Sammy, in the back yard.


Jimmy’s Dumb

Jimmy feels dumb when he’s unable to help Dominic with his science project, and decides to take a sixth-grade science class. Meanwhile, Greg buys a sit-down lawn mower at a yard sale, and takes it upon himself to start mowing his neighbors’ lawns for free, angering local kids who mow for money.


Sorority Girl

Christine’s desire to fit in better at school leads her to join a sorority, which in turn leads Jimmy to beg her to come home so he doesn’t have to take care of the kids.


Savitsky’s Tennis Club

After Mr. Savitsky’s wife hits it off with Christine, Greg becomes desperate to fit in when Jimmy and Christine, but not he and Kim, get invited by Mr. Savitsky to his tennis club.


When Jimmy Met Greggy

The days when Jimmy and Greg first met are recounted, including Jimmy trying to stop Kim from dating Greg.

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